it’s hard to keep a blog nowadays especially when moments have become so personal and ephemeral and mundane that it’s hard to return back and recall that memory and share it with others in a meaningful way. that’s how it’s felt like for the past 2 years or so since i’ve stopped recording my life on public blogs. my photography stopped also and i focused on school for 2 years in santa cruz, california. during my time there, i felt so solitary because my ability to produce art was dormant. it was no longer about creating beauty, but rather experiencing it. so, i put my camera down and started to look, not through a viewfinder, but directly at what was in front of me. the only thing that would capture my attention and lift my spirits was (and still is) the stillness of morning light and the sight and taste of a beautiful homemade dessert and of cuddly and playful Xaxi, my former co-op’s calico cat. it was the beauty of still life of daily routines that i gladly captured in memory…

and now here i am desiring to capture the realness of my experience abroad. it’s been hard to start a blog, mostly because of my lack of reliable internet access in the first 2 months here. but i realized what a shame it would be not to share the beauty i discover in my new life in france, in the short time that i’ll be here. and how impersonal and exhausting it would be to recount my experience abroad in a few adjectives in a casual conversation. last week, i’ve started capturing life again with photos and it feels refreshing and familiar and meaningful this time. so, atlas, i’d like to share my personal moments with you.


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